Prepare The Way
(B.J. Collins - 2000)

Way back in the days when John the Baptist was preaching in the wilderness, he said
"Repent in your heart, for the kingdom of heaven is nearer than you'd ever guess."
For this is he who was spoken of by the prophets who came before us.
The voice of one crying in the desert... Prepare the way of the Lord!

He wore camel hair clothes with a leather belt - he ate honey and bugs for food.
The people came out to him to confess their sins and be baptized in the river too.
For this is he who was spoken of by the prophets who came before us.
The voice of one crying in the desert... Prepare the way of the Lord!

Make straight paths for Him. Prepare the way of the Lord!
Make straight paths for Him. Prepare the way of the Lord!

He saw the temple priests by the water and told all the people "they're a brood of vipers."
Someone warned them to flee from the coming wrath of the Father so they entered the water.
"Where is fruit of your own repentence? The axe is at the foot of the tree.
And every tree that does not make fruit will be cut down and thrown in the fire!"

Make straight paths for Him. Prepare the way of the Lord!
Make straight paths for Him. Prepare the way of the Lord!

"I Baptize you with the water of repentence, but soon will come One who's mightier than I!
He will baptize you with fire and the Spirit, gather up all the wheat, throw the bad in the fire."
Then Jesus came to the River Jordan to fulfill the Father's prophecy.
He rose up out of the water, the heaven's opened up for Him to see.
Then the Spirit of God descended on Him like a dove and a light.
A voice from heaven said "this is my Son who I love, and with whom I am pleased"

Prepare the way. Prepare the way. Prepare the way of the Lord.
Prepare the way. Prepare the way. Prepare the way of the Lord.
Prepare the way. Prepare the way. Prepare the way of the Lord.
Prepare the way. Prepare the way. Prepare the way of the Lord.
Prepare the way. Prepare the way. Prepare the way of the Lord.

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